




Anger isn’t a pleasant feeling. Some of us bottle up the emotion, while others ___21___ in a wild anger. Both habits have bad effects on our bodies, our minds, and our relationships.

Anger may feel uncomfortable, but it’s also normal and healthy. “A lot of people think they have to ___22___ their anger,” says Patrick Keelan, a registered psychologist. “But anger is an emotion built into us to signal that something needs to be ___23___.” When we take notice of that signal and actually ___24___ the problem instead of ignoring it, we’re usually much better for it. ___25___, many of us have been conditioned to keep our emotions hidden. Increasingly, research is suggesting that this can have ___26___ effects on our health. Investigators noticed that people who make greater efforts to ___27___ their emotions tend to have shorter life spans. They’re more likely to die earlier from cancer, ___28___. When we’re angry, stress hormones (激素) are released, which can ___29___ a wide range of diseases, including diabetes and depression, and abnormal immune conditions.

Is it better, then, to scream and cry whenever something makes you ___30___? That’s the fundamental behind the “rage rooms” that have appeared in many American cities, where folks are ___31___ to let off their anger by violently smashing stuff in a safe environment. “The ___32___ is that you get the anger out of your system through ___33___ actions,” says Keelan. “But the research indicates that when we display our anger sharply, it can actually increase the intensity of the anger and increase the ___34___ of aggressive actions in the future.” It doesn’t take much imagination to predict how they can ___35___ your relationships with your family members, or your coworkers.

21. A. worry B. explode C. quit D. escape

22. A. get rid of B. get away with C. get down to D. get used to

23. A. added B. removed C. bought D. addressed

24. A. improve B. polish C. correct D. prevent

25. A. Generally B. Incredibly C. Unfortunately D. Consequently

26. A. long-term B. positive C. magical D. little

27. A. control B. release C. arouse D. strengthen

28. A. on the contrary B. in short C. as usual D. for example

29. A. cure B. cause C. spread D. carry

30. A. sad B. upset C. mad D. guilty

31. A. invited B. forced C. forbidden D. commanded

32. A. truth B. problem C. challenge D. theory

33. A. temporary B. quick C. defensive D. aggressive

34. A. possibility B. demand C. understanding D. awareness

35. A. build B. develop C. affect D. improve

【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. C 26. A 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. D 34. A 35. C





Turn back the clock to 1926.

Imagine yourself as a teenager your whole life ahead of you, shining with ____21____. As a birthday gift, you toss a message in a bottle into the river and watch it ____22____ from sight—never knowing if or when the bright-eyed boy you are now will reconnect with the man you’ll ____23____.

While that may not have been the exact scenario (场景),95 years later, the message has finally ____24____ its way home.

Jennifer Dowker, a scuba diving enthusiast, was conducting underwater maintenance of her boat when she found an antique ____25____ on the riverbed. On closer inspection, she spotted a note inside, which had ____26____ an amazing nine-plus decades in the water.

____27____ November 1926, it read:

Will the person who finds this bottle return it to Ceorge Morrow Michigan and tell where it was found?

After a post on Facebook, and over 100,000 shares, one curious reader managed to ____28____ Morrow’s daughter, Michele Primeau (who “doesn’t do Facebook”) to tell her the story and give her Dowker’s ____29____ information.

Morrow passed away in 1995, but Primeau ____30____ her father’s handwriting. “With a habit of ____31____ small notes away in unlikely places,” she said, “sending a message in a bottle was very much ____32____ his character.”

Though Dowker ____33____ told Primeau she would forward the memento (纪念品) to her, after sleeping on the idea for a night, Primeau ____34____ a policy of “finders keepers” would better serve her dad’s memory. “I thought the ____35____ thing to do would be to give it to her,” Primeau said. “She found it and that would keep my dad’s name living on.”

21. A. possibility B. commitment C. energy D. imagination

22. A. destroy B. bounce C. float D. crash

23. A. protect B. motivate C. fascinate D. become

24. A. felt B. found C. struggled D. lost

25. A. bottle B. shop C. boat D. note

26. A. existed B. circulated C. mixed D. survived

27. A. Printed B. Edited C. Dated D. Translated

28. A. describe B. locate C. congratulate D. bond

29. A. contact B. background C. health D. job

30. A. recognized B. copied C. demanded D. displayed

31. A. turning B. giving C. hiding D. circling

32. A. in contrast to B. in keeping with C. in charge of D. in memory of

33. A. frequently B. regularly C. initially D. eventually

34. A. doubted B. feared C. learned D. decided

35. A. practical B. right C. easy D. creative

【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. A 31. C 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. B




During my life,I have been part of many communities. My father was a headteacher, so I went to various schools. I’m used to____21____and forming relationships quickly.

In 2003, I moved to Botswana where I lived on an island.There the need for community spirit was more about____22____than anything else. We had to look out for each other,whether we liked it or not; ____23____ by wild animals, you join forces____24____the scarier animals.

I moved back to the UK in 2014 and____25____the transition(过渡)would be easy because I knew the culture. Making a home in Portishead, close to my parents but new to me was more____26____than I had expected. I didn’t know anyone.I spent some time travelling around Britain____27____friends from my past-but I realized we didn’t have much in common any more.

I thought, do I know what to do? The answer was: I know how to build a(n)____28____. I set up a Facebook group to____29____and support female entrepreneurs(企业家),which soon became hugely popular. I then decided to create events to_____30_____businesswomen for an affordable fee, which could be used to help local charities. In the first year,my company, the Business Haven,_____31_____$5,000 for the Springboard Charity, which helps young people achieve their potential, and Changes Bristal, which helps those_____32_____with the mental health.

Wherever I’ve lived, the key to being successful — from both personal and_____33_____perspective — has been either creating, or joining a community and adding_____34_____to it, without expecting anything_____35_____.

21. A. checking in B. packing up C. fitting in D. cleaning up

22. A. peace B. harmony C. understanding D. survival

23. A. surrounded B. impressed C. interrupted D. attracted

24. A. for B. against C. with D. by

25. A. realized B. decided C. concluded D. assumed

26. A. satisfying B. challenging C. embarrassing D. thrilling

27. A. visiting B. tracking C. questioning D. contacting

28. A. company B. organization C. community D. shelter

29. A. produce B. entertain C. interview D. connect

30. A. hire B. manage C. train D. reward

31. A. earned B. raised C. distributed D. delivered

32. A. debating B. cooperating C. sharing D. struggling

33. A. professional B. physical C. spiritual D. financial

34. A. color B. culture C. value D. faith

35. A. on purpose B. in advance C. on time D. in return

【答案】21. C 22. D 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. C 31. B 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. D




Anger isn’t a pleasant feeling. Some of us bottle up the emotion, while others ___21___ in a wild anger. Both habits have bad effects on our bodies, our minds, and our relationships.

Anger may feel uncomfortable, but it’s also normal and healthy. “A lot of people think they have to ___22___ their anger,” says Patrick Keelan, a registered psychologist. “But anger is an emotion built into us to signal that something needs to be ___23___.” When we take notice of that signal and actually ___24___ the problem instead of ignoring it, we’re usually much better for it. ___25___, many of us have been conditioned to keep our emotions hidden. Increasingly, research is suggesting that this can have ___26___ effects on our health. Investigators noticed that people who make greater efforts to ___27___ their emotions tend to have shorter life spans. They’re more likely to die earlier from cancer, ___28___. When we’re angry, stress hormones (激素) are released, which can ___29___ a wide range of diseases, including diabetes and depression, and abnormal immune conditions.

Is it better, then, to scream and cry whenever something makes you ___30___? That’s the fundamental behind the “rage rooms” that have appeared in many American cities, where folks are ___31___ to let off their anger by violently smashing stuff in a safe environment. “The ___32___ is that you get the anger out of your system through ___33___ actions,” says Keelan. “But the research indicates that when we display our anger sharply, it can actually increase the intensity of the anger and increase the ___34___ of aggressive actions in the future.” It doesn’t take much imagination to predict how they can ___35___ your relationships with your family members, or your coworkers.

21. A. worry B. explode C. quit D. escape

22. A. get rid of B. get away with C. get down to D. get used to

23. A. added B. removed C. bought D. addressed

24. A. improve B. polish C. correct D. prevent

25. A. Generally B. Incredibly C. Unfortunately D. Consequently

26. A. long-term B. positive C. magical D. little

27. A. control B. release C. arouse D. strengthen

28. A. on the contrary B. in short C. as usual D. for example

29. A. cure B. cause C. spread D. carry

30. A. sad B. upset C. mad D. guilty

31. A. invited B. forced C. forbidden D. commanded

32. A. truth B. problem C. challenge D. theory

33. A. temporary B. quick C. defensive D. aggressive

34. A. possibility B. demand C. understanding D. awareness

35. A. build B. develop C. affect D. improve

【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. C 26. A 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. D 34. A 35. C

这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了某天史密斯不幸落水,狗狗Sarah Jane通过大叫引来了附近的两个邻居和警长,在他们三人的共同努力下,史密斯获救。这个故事告诉我们,狗狗是人类最好的朋友。



Man’s best friend is being credited with saving his owner’s life during a scare.

81-year-old Harry Smith of Port St. Lucie, Florida is a man of ___21___. He takes his 9-year-old dog Sarah Jane for a walk around the lake across the street from his house twice a day, every day. Smith, who uses an electric wheelchair to ___22___, was on one of his regular walks when something ___23___ happened. The left wheel of his wheelchair got ___24___in a pit (坑), and as he tried to reverse out of the dirt, his wheelchair lost traction. He ended up rolling down the ___25___ and flipping off his wheelchair into the lake.

Sensing her owner was in ___26___, Sarah Jane began barking loudly as Smith ___27___to keep his head above water. Her persistent barking___28___ the attention of two neighbors working in their driveway across the street, who rushed over to see what the ___29___ was about. One of those men was Edward Shuling, who said he ____30____ thought the dog may have gotten into a fight with an alligator, before he saw Smith’s head sticking out of the water. Shuling instantly____31____ in.

A second neighbor, Aby “Jacob” Chacko, was ____32____ closely and happened to spot Officer Adam on his way down to the water. Together, the three men____33____Smith out of the water and back to safety, much to his and Sarah Jane’s____34____.

“We are thankful for Mr. Smith’s dog and the two bystanders that helped save his life!” the post reads. “And as the saying remains ____35____…A man’s best friend is his dog.”

21. A. action B. routine C. virtue D. character

22. A. glance around B. come around C. get around D. turn around

23. A. unusual B. strange C. difficult D. puzzling

24. A. stuck B. separated C. hit D. broken

25. A. hill B. bank C. river D. wheelchair

26. A. doubt B. depth C. trouble D. despair

27. A. hurried B. waved C. struggled D. jumped

28. A. distracted B. focused C. demanded D. caught

29. A. noise B. incident C. scene D. event

30. A. additionally B. initially C. eventually D. similarly

31. A. turned B. fell C. checked D. jumped

32. A. appearing B. following C. moving D. coming

33. A. pulled B. seized C. tore D. kicked

34. A. delight B. amusement C. surprise D. relief

35. A. certain B. familiar C. true D. popular

【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. C



In December, an adult day center nurse in New York came to the rescue of her patient after deciding to adopt the dog he could no longer look after.

John Burley, 60, was a daily ____21____ at the Adult Day Healthcare program at The Grand Rehabilitation (康复) and Nursing at Rome, where Jennifer Smith ____22____. Just before Thanksgiving, he was ____23____, leaving him unable to look after his 13-year-old dog Boomer.

Jennifer Smith knew ____24____ what to do — she visited the humane shelter and adopted him herself. “She went right to the Rome Humane Society that day and ___25___ the adoption fee, took him to the vet, and went ___26___ for food, toys, and doggy clothes. He is really ____27____,” Kimberly Hare from The Grand Rehabilitation and Nursing at Rome said.

Now John Burley is a rehabilitation patient at the center. He is able to ____28____ daily visits from Boomer who has ____29____ the “mascot (吉祥物) of the adult day program.”

“Once John was _______30_______ in his room, Jennifer and Boomer made their way over to his nursing unit, but I told her to stay out of _______31_______. I asked John if he was feeling _______32_______ a surprise visit and he said yes,” said Hare.

“When he saw Jennifer and Boomer come around the corner, he just burst into tears and _______33_______ for his pal. John would get off bed and get around with Boomer happily. There was not a _______34_______ eye in the room between residents and staff. He was so happy to see the dog and so _______35_______ to Jennifer for saving him.”

21. A. patient B. victim C. prisoner D. shopper

22. A. studies B. works C. recovers D. hides

23. A. terrifed B. arrested C. accused D. hospitalized

24. A. unclearly B. publicly C. exactly D. hurriedly

25. A. assessed B. charged C. received D. paid

26. A. grabbing B. shopping C. searching D. begging

27. A. spoiled B. lazy C. comfortable D. frightened

28. A. make B. receive C. deny D. pay

29. A. designed B. shaped C. become D. considered

30. A. trapped B. stationed C. settled D. recorded

31. A. harm B. sight C. service D. touch

32. A. up to B. far from C. back to D. up against

33. A. worked B. looked C. voted D. reached

34. A. sharp B. big C. dry D. teary

35. A. apologetic B. sympathetic C. loyal D. grateful

【答案】21. A 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. D 34. D 35. D



When I first heard from my doctor that I was allergic to hay (干草), it weighed pretty heavily on my mind.

I grew up ____21____ around big open fields and playing with the animals on my friend’s farm. There were no limits set on me as a child.

After I ____22____ about my allergy, I felt that a kind of ____23____ had been placed on me. I could never get a rabbit or a pig, since hay is the main component of their diets. I remember that ____24____ feeling in my stomach when I realized I was so seriously allergic to something that I’d always need to keep the pill within ____25____.

Disappointment at this ____26____ was the first feeling that sunk in. With time, ____27____, I began to see my allergies as a gift.

I was the kid that tried never to ____28____. I was okay with enduring a six-hour drive in a(n) ____29____ car with my knees to my chest. I was okay with eating burnt or under cooked food. But this allergy finally let me feel _____30_____ saying “no”. I finally felt free to refuse to go places or do things where my allergies would act up. I didn’t have to apologize for or explain my _____31_____ at the smell of grass clippings. I didn’t have to _____32_____ myself for not wanting to sit on the grass with my friends on summer days while I got bitten.

Yes, my hay allergy _____33_____ some activities, but it’s also given me a broader appreciation for experiences I actually like and want more of. I’m _____34_____ to be getting a dog instead of a bunny. Let’s be honest, a bunny brings you more trouble.

I ought to thank this allergy for giving me the space to be _____35_____.

21. A. meeting B. running C. looking D. shopping

22. A. asked B. got C. learned D. cared

23. A. misfortune B. mistake C. disbelief D. dishonesty

24. A. confused B. excited C. funny D. sinking

25. A. reach B. control C. space D. memory

26. A. risk B. secret C. reason D. burden

27. A. therefore B. again C. however D. besides

28. A. cry B. complain C. notice D. care

29. A. dirty B. small C. cheap D. ugly

30. A. comfortable B. proud C. awkward D. ashamed

31. A. sorrow B. eagerness C. sickness D. satisfaction

32. A. forgive B. excuse C. push D. dress

33. A. ignores B. offers C. covers D. limits

34. A. powerful B. helpful C. grateful D. meaningful

35. A. different B. free C. gifted D. brave

【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. B 30. A 31. C 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. B




In Washington DC at a Metro Station, on a cold January morning in 2007, a man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, approximately 2000 people went through the ____21____, most of them on their way to ____22____.

About four minutes later, the violinist received his first ____23____. A woman threw money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk. At six minutes, a young man leaned ____24____ the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again. At ten minutes, a three-year old boy stopped, but his mother pulled him along____25____. The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the ____26____ pushed hard and the child continued to walk,____27____ his head the whole time.

At forty-five minutes, the musician played continuously. Only six people stopped and listened for a short while. About twenty gave money but continued to walk at their normal ____28____. The man collected a total of $32.

After one hour, he finished playing and silence ____29____. No one noticed and no one applauded. There was no _____30_____ at all.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world. He played one of the most _____31_____ pieces ever written, with a violin worth $3.5 million dollars. Two days before, Joshua Bell sold out a _____32_____ in Boston where the seats averaged $100 each to sit and listen to him play the same music.

In a common-place environment, at an _____33_____ hour, do we perceive beauty?

If so, do we stop to _____34_____ it? If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, with one of the most beautiful instruments ever made… How many other things are we missing as we _____35_____ through life?

21. A. man B. performance C. stage D. station

22. A. play B. travel C. work D. study

23. A. attention B. dollar C. gift D. letter

24. A. against B. by C. on D. beside

25. A. anxiously B. hurriedly C. excitedly D. delightedly

26. A. violinist B. boy C. mother D. passer-by

27. A. nodding B. shaking C. bowing D. turning

28. A. pace B. manner C. posture D. level

29. A. took in B. took over C. got over D. pulled over

30. A. recognition B. reward C. hope D. sympathy

31. A. joyful B. boring C. outstanding D. familiar

32. A. ticket B. theater C. violin D. song

33. A. inaccurate B. uncomfortable C. impossible D. inappropriate

34. A. imagine B. judge C. appreciate D. approach

35. A. walk B. dance C. rush D. jump

【答案】21. D 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. A 31. C 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. C



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