

Press Release

Monday, April 4th, 2022


2022 年纪念吴健雄诞辰 110 周年全球线上学术论坛

In 2022, Nanjing University Alumni Association United States (NUAAUS) Will Host a

Madame Chien Shiun Wu Global Online Symposium

2021 年 2 月 11 日农历大年三十美国邮政总局发行了一枚邮票专门纪念吴健雄, 称她为 20 世纪最具影响力的核物理学家之一今年是吴健雄诞辰 110 周年, 同时也是南京大学 120 周年校庆。为此, 美国南京大学校友会将在今年(2022 年)隆重举办南京大学校庆 120 周年暨纪念吴健雄博士 110 周年诞辰全球线上学术论坛。

On February 11 of 2021, the U.S. Postal Service issued the Chien-Shiung Wu commemorative stamp to honor her as “one of the most influential nuclear physicists of the 20th century”, The year of 2022 is the 110th anniversary of Madame Chien-Shiung Wu.

For these reasons, in this year of 2022, Nanjing University Alumni Association United States (NUAAUS) will organize a grand global on-line academic forum to honor Madame C. S. Wu’s 110th anniversary.

时间 Time:Mid-September, 2022 (precise time to be determined) 地点 Place:线上 On-line

纪念活动网页:CSWuForum.org 正在建设中 Under construction

联系邮箱 Contact:CSWu.Memorial@NUAA.US


Members of the Organizing Committee:

1:Da Hsuan Feng(Coordinator)

Fellow of the American Physical Society, Nanjing University Board of TrusteesHonorary member and Honorary Professor, Former M. Russell Wehr Professor of Physics, Drexel University, Former Vice President of Research, the University of Texas at Dallas.


美国物理学会会士、南京大学名誉董事、名誉教授,德雷塞尔大学前M. Russell Wehr 物理学教授、前达拉斯德州大学副校长

“I am deeply honored that the nearly 20,000 members NUAAUS has bestowed me the heavy responsibility as the coordinator of this event in honor of Madame C. S. Wu. There is no doubt that Madame was and still is the most distinguished alumni of National Central University, which later on morphed into Nanjing University. She was and still is, as her granddaughter wrote in her most heartwarming article about her grandmother a truly outstanding human being that belongs to the world!”


2:Yifang WangDirector of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of High Energy Physics, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and an alumnus of Nanjing University’s Physics Department.


中国科学院高能研究所所长,中国科学院院士, 南京大学物理系毕业

“I am very fortunate to have followed Madame Wu’s speech in 80’s at the Nanjing University and in 90’s at CERN, which inspired me tremendously. I remember very clearly her suggestions to the Nanjing University to work on neutrino physics, a special moment in my mind persistently in the last 40 years. I am honored to have graduated from her Alma Mater, where her thesis advisor, Prof. Sze Shih-Yuan ( 施 士 元 教 授 ) taught thousands of students in 70 years, including my teachers and myself. In addition, I would like to mention that Prof. Sze was the last Ph.D. student of Madame Curie, this is indeed a marvelous connection between the two greatest women scientists in history.”

“我很幸运在 80 年代在南京大学和 90 年代在欧洲核子研究中心听了吴女士的演讲,这对我启发很大。我清楚地记得她建议南京大学从事中微子物理学研究,这是过去 40 年来一直在我脑海中挥之不去的一个特殊时刻。我很荣幸从她的母校毕业,她的论文导师施士元教授在 70 年里教过成千上万的学生,包括我的许多位南京大学老师和我自己。最后,我想提一下,我们都知道施教授是居里夫人的博士生,也是她的关门弟子。真没想到,这两位在历史上最伟大的女科学家之间竟然有这么奇妙联系。”

3:Shu Chien

President of the Whitaker Institute of Biomedical Engineering, the University of California, San Diego, Five International Academies’ Academician , National Science Award of the United States, the highest award bestowed to a scientist.


生物工程学家, 是目前世界上唯一集全美四大院院士身份于一身的华人,1976 年当选台湾中央研究院院士,2006 年当选为中国科学院外籍院士, 2021 年当选为中国工程院外籍院士,美国国家科学奖的得主。

“Unquestionably, Professor C. S. Wu was one of the great human beings in the 20th century. For me, I have profound memories of her. When I first went to Columbia University as a student, as an elder, Professor Wu, despite her extraordinarily busy schedule in research and teaching, still had time to make sure all the young Chinese students were well taken care of!”

“毫无疑问,吴健雄老师是 20 世纪最伟大的人物之一。我深深的怀念吴老师。我初次到哥伦比亚大学留学时, 吴老师作为长辈给了我许多无微不至地照顾。”

4:Lars Brink

Professor of Physics of Chalmers Institute of Technology, Member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences and the former member of the Sweden Academy Sciences Nobel Committee in Physics.

瑞典科学院院士, 前诺贝尔奖物理遴选委员会成员、瑞典 Chalmers 理工学院物理教授。

” This definitely is a grand opportunity for the world to once again pay our deep respect to one of the most admired human beings of the world, a truly distinguished scientist, whose work was and still is era-changing!


5:Andrea Liu

Hepburn Professor of Physics, University of Pennsylvania Member of the United States National Academy of Sciences.

美国科学院院士, 宾州大学 Hepburn 物理学教授

“I was a child when my father, a theoretical physicist, first told me about Prof. Wu and her achievements, which should have been recognized with a Nobel Prize. I am delighted and honored to have the opportunity to help celebrate this extraordinary physicist.”


6:Xiang Zhang

Ernest S. Kuh Endowed Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering, the University of California, Berkeley, President, Hong Kong University. Dr. Zhang is also an alumni of Nanjing University , Member of the United States National Academy of Engineering


美国工程院院士, 香港大学校长、加州大学伯克利分校机械工程系 Ernest S. Kuh 讲座教授, 南京大学物理系毕业

“The Department of Physics of Nanjing University and its predecessor, the Department of Physics of National Central University, have an excellent and profound intellectual ambiance and tradition, and is one of the most influential physics centers in China. It has been the center to nurture a significant number of highly influential Chinese scientists, and even the world. The most representative figure is unquestionably Madame C. S. Wu. I am honored and am deeply proud to have the opportunity to graduate from the Physics Department of Nanjing University.”


7:K. K. Phua

Founder and Chairman, World Scientific Publishing Corporation (Singapore)Fellow of the American Physical Society.


世界科学出版社创办人与社长, 美国物理学会会士

8:Evelyn Hu

Tarr-Coyne Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering, Harvard University. Member of the United States National Academy of Sciences, A PhD student of C S Wu.


美国科学院院士, 哈佛大学 Tarr-Coyne 物理与电机教授,吴健雄先生的博士生

“I am very touched and grateful that the Nanjing University Alumni Association of the U.S. will hold an event to honor my teacher. With the benefit of hindsight, and the good fortune to serve as researcher and teacher myself, I realize more fully the challenges that Madame Wu undertook and answered.”


9:Sylvester James Gates, Jr.

Ford Foundation Professor of Physics, Brown University Former President of the American Physical Society President Science Award Member of the United States National Academy of Science.

美国布朗大学福特基金物理讲座教授, 美国科学院院士,美国物理学会上任会长,美国国家科学奖的得主。

“C S Wu is one of the American scientists who is always an inspiration to me. Growing up as a minority in the United States, her achievements in life as a minority and a scientist, was truly exemplary to me.”


10.Fabiola Gianotti

CERN Secretary General. Member of the Italian Academy of Sciences, French Academy of Sciences and the foreign member of the United States National Academy of Sciences.

欧洲核子研究研究中心总干事长 CERN Secretary General , 意大利科学院院士, 美国科学院外籍院士, 法国科学院院士

11:Amy Graves

Walter Kemp Professor in the Natural Sciences at Swarthmore University, Member of the American Physical Society’s Committee on the Status of Women in Physics and Fellow of the American Physical Society.

美国物理协会妇女物理学家委员会代表, 美国物理学会会士、Swarthmore 大学 Walter Kemp 自然科学教授。

“I have always admired the remarkable C.S. Wu; her contributions to physics and to the cause of gender and intersectionality in physics are legendary”


12.Zhaoyang Yang

The Representative of the Southeast University Alumni Associations in the United States


13:Chengning Zhang

President, Nanjing University Alumni Association United States


The son of Madame C. S. Wu, Dr. Vincent Yuan, expressed his great pleasure in approving the NUAAUS to organize this commemorative event.

袁伟承博士(吴健雄博士和袁家骝博士的独子) Dr. Vincent Yuan表示非常高兴批准由美国南京大学校友会来组织这个纪念他母亲的活动。

In response to having this event in honor of Madame C. S. Wu, the former president of Nanjing University, Professor Shu-sheng Jiang said that “Madame C. S. Wu is not merely the pride of Nanjing University, she is a scientist that belongs to humanity.”

南京大学前校长蒋树声教授针对这次纪念活动表示,“吴健雄博士不仅是南京大学的骄傲, 更是属于人类世界的科学家” 。




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