

开学第117天:试卷讲评细分析 归纳总结列问题

2021-12-26 Sunday周日Sunny晴There are two freedoms — the false, where a man is free to do what he likes; the true, where he is free to do what he ought. —Charles Kingsley 自由有两种 — 假自由让人随意做他想做的事;真自由让人随意做他该做的事。—查尔斯‧金斯利

Charles Kingsley is a British writer, scholar and theologian. He was once a professor of history at Cambridge University in England. Later, he served as a minister, professor and began to publish books. 查尔斯‧金斯利为英国文学家、学者与神学家,曾在英国剑桥大学担任历史教授,之后常年担任牧师、教授并开始发表作品,著有多本历史小说,擅长儿童文学创作。词汇注释:freedoms /ˈfridəmz/ n.自由;五大航权(freedom 的复数);false /fɔːls/ adj. 错误的,不真实的;伪造的;人造的;站不住脚的,全无根据的;free /friː/ adj. 免费的;自由的;随心所欲的;不含..…的;true /truː/ adj. 真实的;正确的;ought /ɔːt/ v. 应该(表义务、责任、必要等);应该(表期望)。So that would be my first suggestion, to notice what it is that you truly love, and then to create small steps. Kind of small practice fields around that. Even though at first it may look very remote from anything you can earn money with, or anything that will have the practical usefulness. For example Steve Jobs, the founder or co-founder of Apple. In college, he dropped out of college and that was the best decision he ever took he said.这是我的第一个建议,就是了解你真正热爱的东西,然后基于此开始一步步前进,围绕这一点展开小的实践,即使一开始它看起来离任何能挣到钱的东西或者任何有实际用处的东西都相差甚远。比如史蒂夫乔布斯,苹果公司的创始人或者说联合创始人,在上大学时他辍学了,但是他说,这是他做过的最棒的决定。Two Christmas gifts for Elegant and Rainy for their excellent performance in the periodic examination and some other sweets for those who have a quick response with a sharp thinking in class.


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