

我是苏X,本科就读于南京工业大学化工专业。考研报考院校华东理工大学,报考专业化学工程与技术(学硕)。初试成绩排名前30%,复试之后总成绩排名10%。考试科目涉及:政治、英语一、数学二、801 化工原理。接下来是我考研一年来的心得,希望能给学弟学妹们一些帮助!

















a.将考研期间的 10 个月时间分段:如 2-5 为基础阶段,5-8 为提高阶段,

9-11 查漏补缺,11-12 为冲刺阶段,为阶段性计划。

b.列出考研期间,每门学科所用的所有书籍、视频、试卷,按照自己需要,一步步拆分在月、周、天和具体每天的时刻计划表仲。此外,计划需要根据每天计划的完成程度,进行反复调整(一般情况下,正常的考研人每天的高质量学习时间不低于 8h)。不要以牺牲睡眠为代价来去学习,休息好第二天才有精神!


不要认为除学习之外的事情都是浪费时间!有一个好的身体,好的精神状态是为了更好的学习。举个小例子:每天的锻炼时间是 1h,你把这 1h 用来学习,但体质下降。换季或流感来临,感冒发烧可能就要浪费至少2天的学习时间!考

研期间,最害怕的就是自己生病了,所以我坚持每一天,或两天在操场跑 4km。


建议在备考期间,多吃水果(久坐、压力大可能会引起便秘——ps.真的会便秘,人生中第一次严重便秘并第一次使用了开塞露,或者胃胀气或者肠胃不适,便秘可以吃火龙果、多喝水,胃胀气可遵医嘱买点碳酸镁铝咀嚼片),有条件吃点维生素片(善存、21 金维他),如后期失眠严重可以适量喝点褪黑素。
























①考研的知识量是高考的三倍以上,但只有高考时间的 1/3 去进行复习。所以大家不要觉得时间很充足。


③英语、政治 70 算高分,80 算超高分:一般复习没有走偏的人,英语政治保证 60 以上是没有问题的。不要想着靠这两门来拉分,也不用担心被拉分。

④数学、专业科拉分最狠:数学和专业科都是 150 满分,考研初试能否力压其他竞争者,很大的程度上由这两科来决定。在复习时间分配上,这两门要多一些。







1、A balance equation for a chemical reaction indicates the substances that are present at the start of the reaction and those products at the end. However, it provides no information about how the reaction occurs. The process by which a reaction occurs is called the reaction mechanism, at the most sophisticated level, a reaction mechanism will describe in great detail the order in which the bonds are broken and formed and the changes in relative positions of the atoms in the course of the reaction.


2、A group of operations for separating the components of mixture is based on the transfer of material from one homogeneous phase to another. Unlike purely mechanical separation , those methods utilize differences in vapor pressure, or solubility, not density or particle size. The driving force for transfer is a concentration difference or concentration gradient much as a temperature difference or a temperature gradient provides driving force in heat transfer. These methods covered by the term mass-transfer operations include such technique as distillation, gas absorption, liquid extraction, crystallization and a number of other.


3、Activation Energy. Symbol Ea.The minimum energy required for a chemical reaction to take place. In a reaction, molecules come together and chemical bonds are stretched, broken, and formed in producing the products. During this process the energy of the system increases to a maximum, then decreases to energy of the products. The activation energy is the difference between the maximum energy and the energy of the reactants, i.e. it is the energy barrier that has to be overcome for the reaction on procedure. The activation energy determines the way in which the rate of the reaction varies with temperature.


4、All chemical reactions are companied by some heat effects so that the temperature will tend to change,a serious result in view of the sensitivity of most reaction rates to temperature.Factors of equipment size, control ability and possibly unfavorable product .Distribution of complex reactions often necessitate provision of means of heat transfer to keep the temperature with bounds .In pratical operation of non-flow (batch)or tubular flow reactors ,truly isothermal conditions are not feasible even if they were desirable .


5、Crude oil in itself is a very poor fuel for internal-combustion engines ,and considerable transformation is necessary to convert it to gasoline .Modern refineries contain (in addition to distillation columns) process units such as thermal and catalytic crackers (to make smaller molecules out of large ones),hydrotreators (to convert undesire sulfur compounds into sulfur-free compounds), reformers (to make aromatics for high-octane fuel) and alkylation and isomerization units (to make high-octane molecules) ,central to the modern refinery is the catalytic cracker.


6、In most operations equilibrium is not attained because of insufficient time or because it is not desired .As soon as equilibrium is attained no further change can take place ,and the process stops ,but the engineer must keep the process going .For this reason ,rate operations such as rate of energy transfer ,rate of mass transfer ,and rate of chemical reaction are of the greatest important .In all such cases ,the rate and direction depend on difference in potential or driving force .The rate usually may be expressed as proportional to a potential drop divided by a resistance .


7、Like liquids ,supercritical fluids can behave as solvents ,dissolving a wide of substances .This ability forms the basis of a system for separating the components of mixtures ,a process known as supercritical extraction .The solvent power of a supercritical fluid increases as its density increase .Conversely ,lowering its density causes the supercritical fluid and dissolved material to separate,with skillful manipulation of temperature and pressure ,it is possible to separate the components of very complicated mixtures .


8、Plastic are materials that can be shaped by applying heat or pressure .Most plastics are made from polymeric synthetic resins although a few are based on natural substances .They fall into main classes .thermoplastics material can be repeatly softened by heating and hardened again on cooling .Thermosetting materials are initially soft but change irreversibly to a hard rigid form on heating .Plastics contain the synthetic resins mixed with such as pigments ,plasticizer ,antioxidant and other stablizers and fillers .


9、The properties of fluid-viscosity ,thermal conductivity ,specific heat and density are important parameters in heat transfer .Each of those ,especially viscosity ,is temperature-dependent .Since a temperature field exists in a flowing stream undergoing heat transfer ,a problem appears in the choice of temperature in which the properties should be evaluated .For small temperature differences between fluid and wall and for highly viscosity fluid or where the temperature-differences between the tube wall and the fluid is large ,the variation in fluid properties within the stream become large .


10、The unit operation are applicable to many physical process ,as to chemical ones .For example ,the process used to manufacture common salt ,consists of the following sequence of the unit operation :transportation of liquid and solid ,transfer of heat ,evaporation ,crystallization ,drying and screening .No chemical reaction appears in those steps .On the other hand ,the cracking of petroleum with or without the aid of a catalyst is a typical chemical reaction conducted on an enormous scale .Here the unit operations :transportation of fluids and solids ,distillation and various mechanical separations are vital and the cracking reaction could not be utilized without them .


11、The lighter (lower-boiling) components tend to concentrate in vapor phase while the heavier (high-boiling) components tend toward the liquid phase .The result is that vapor phase becomes richer in heavy components as it flows downward .The overall separation achieved between the distillate and the bottoms depends primarily on the relative volatilities of the components ,the number of the containing trays and the ratio of the liquid-phase flow rate to the vapor-phase flow rate .


12、(Homogeneous reactions are those the reactants ,products and any catalyst used form continuous phase ,gaseous or liquid .) Homogeneous gas phase reactors will always be operated continuously whereas liquid phase reactors may be batch or continuous .Tubular reactors are normally used for homogeneous gas-phase reactions ,for example ,in the thermal craking of petroleum crude on fractions to ethylene and the thermal decomposition of dichloroethane to vinyl chloride .Both tubular and stirred tank reactors are used for homogeneous liquid phase reactions .


13、Discharge of waste chemicals to the air water or ground not only has a direct environmental impact ,but also constitute a potential waste of natural resources .Early efforts to lower the environmental impact of chemical measures tended to focus on the removal of harmful materials from a plant’s waste stream before it was discharged into the environment ,But to approach addresses only half the problem .For an ideal chemical process ,no harmful by-products would be formed in the first place and such a process would be “environmental friendship”.


14、①The first law of thermodynamics is simply a statement of conservation of energy .The sum of all the energy leaving a process must equal the sum of all the energy leaving a process must equal the sum of all the energy entring .

②The third law of thermodynamics provides an absolute scale of values for entropy stating that for changes involving only perfect crystalline solids at absolute zero ,the changes the total entropy is zero .



15、③The second law :There are many different statements of the second law as applied to cycles in which heat is converted into work .At this point ,an general statement is desirable :The conversion of energy from one form to another always results in an overall loss in quality .Another is :All system tend to approach equilibrium .These statements point out the difficulty in expressing the second law .It cannot really be done satisfactory without defining another term describing quality or disorder .The term is entropy .This property of state quantifies the level of disorder in a fluid ,body or system .


16、Packed-bed reactor :There are two basic types of packed-bed reactors :those in which the solid is a reactant and those in which the solid is a catalyst .Many example of the first type can be found in the extractive metallurgical industries .In the chemical process industries ,the designers will normally be concerned with the second type catalytic reactors .Industrial packed-bed catalytic reactors range in size from small tubes in few centimeters diameter to larger diameter packed beds.Larger-diameter packed-bed reactors are poor and where high heat-transfer rates are required ;fluidized beds, should be considered .




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