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One of the 2023 Beijing Consumption Season activities, a night consumption event, was launched in Chaoyang District on May 10th. 81 new night consumption venues were released. Beijing’s Municipal Commerce Bureau will cooperate with over 40 business circles, more than 200 brands and thousands of stores to hold over 100 themed events.



The 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) will continue to follow the format of one comprehensive exhibition and nine themed exhibitions. The National Indoor Stadium will be the new venue for the environmental services exhibition. So far, over 40 countries and international organizations have confirmed their participation.




A CIFTIS promotion meeting for the South-South cooperation countries was held at the China National Convention Center in Beijing on Wednesday. The meeting focused on promoting South-South cooperation and supporting international cooperation among countries along the Belt and Road. Over 80 representatives from embassies of 21 countries in China, 9 international organizations and relevant business associations, as well as enterprises attended the meeting.

5月10日,“‘一带一路’十周年 展望南南合作新前景”暨南南合作国家服贸会专题推介会在国家会议中心举办。活动以借助服贸会平台促进南南合作、助力“一带一路”国际合作为主要内容,来自21个国家驻华使馆、9个国际组织以及相关商协会、企业的80多位代表参会。



Beijing‘s Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Center held a green activity on Wednesday to strengthen international exchange and cooperation in the field of green and low-carbon development and to promote green development and cooperation among countries along the Belt and Road. Over 20 foreign students from countries along the Belt and Road were invited to visit green enterprises and low-carbon parks in Beijing to learn about the city’s practical achievements in green development.



China’s National Blockchain Technology Innovation Center opened in the Zhongguancun Science Park. The center will focus on developing blockchain related technologies such as chips and underlying architecture, and cultivating over 500,000 high-quality local talents in various types of blockchain.



The Beijing Institute of Technology recently received 500 milligrams of the lunar samples brought back by the Chang’e 5 mission. BIT’s research team will study the material characteristics of these samples and related manufacturing technology, with the building of a future lunar research station in mind.



T he National Promotion Center of Industrial Internet Digital Transformation opened in Beijing’s Shunyi District recently. The center, with an area of 2,300 square meters, presents visitors with the development history and achievements of China’s industrial Internet. With new technology and new application as its main theme, the exhibition is divided into five sections using text, videos, holographic films and naked eye 3D technology.



HICOOL 2023 Global Entrepreneurship Competition attracted 5,705 projects and 7,467 entrepreneurs from 114 countries this year, a year-on-year increase of 14% and 12% respectively. The number of projects reached a new high. This year, the competition will have 7 categories related to AI, new generation information technology and cultural creativity among others.

HICOOL 2023全球创业大赛近日完成招募, HICOOL 2023全球创业大赛共收到来自114个国家的5705个项目、7467名人才报名参赛,分别同比增长14%、12%,参赛项目数再创新高。今年大赛设置了人工智能、新一代信息技术、文化创意等七大赛道。



A big immersive exhibition focusing on the iconic detective Sherlock Holmes opened at the National Library of China in Beijing, and will run until November 2. The exhibition is divided into four sections, three dedicated to the timeline of the Entire Collection of Sherlock Holmes books, offering a glimpse into the life of Arthur Conan Doyle, the brilliant writer behind the renowned character, and the fourth section focusing on Sherlock Holmes’ narrative settings, the demonstration of twelve classic cases, and the replication of one crime scene from the novels, offering visitors a unique experience.

4月25日,众创国际重磅展览“Case Lab元世界-福尔摩斯大型沉浸式主题展”在国家图书馆(国家典籍博物馆)隆重开幕,展览将持续到11月2日。展览分为四个主题单元。从第一单元《福尔摩斯探案全集》的诞生讲起,到第四单元经典案件重现、互动装置体验、“案发现场”,全方位立体呈现福尔摩斯的一切。



100 varieties of Peony are in full bloom in the Beijing Expo Park. The blossoms are expected to last until late May. The peonies cover an area of 27,000 square meters, with 19,000 square meters of newly planted peonies. There are 4 good viewing sites in the park and a 300-year-old “peony King” is blooming at the Shandong Exhibition Garden.



来源 China Daily 千龙网 北京新闻广播



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